Empowering Gifted Learners Through AI: A Culturally Responsive Approach

Empowering Gifted Learners Through AI: A Culturally Responsive Approach

Join Susan Solomon for an immersive four-day Edufest strand dedicated to harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) in crafting personalized learning experiences for gifted and high-ability students. This comprehensive strand will explore the transformative potential of AI in identifying and nurturing the unique talents and interests of gifted learners, emphasizing the importance of culturally responsive pedagogy. Throughout the week, participants will delve into the intricacies of using AI tools to analyze student data, interpret learning preferences, and develop individualized educational plans that respect and integrate students’ cultural backgrounds. With a focus on practical application, Susan will guide educators through the process of implementing AI-driven strategies to create dynamic, engaging learning environments that cater to the diverse needs of gifted students.
